Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Blogging Again? Oh wow...

It's simply awesome to blog again and yes I do have some thoughts to share! Over the years, we have learnt so much about life as we watched some of our amazing customers battle insurmountable challenges with such grace. I am always happy to receive pictures, emails and messages from them on how they have used or decorated their home with the lovely old statue or thing they had bought from our store and how they loved it. We always respond with appreciation of the beauty they have created and for sharing their experience with us. Thank you for all your lovely photos and  messages. Life is unfolding day by day. Please enjoy! 💜

Monday, August 27, 2018

One Fine Day in August ...

Dear All,

Thank you for your continued support of moXieantiques as we weave in and out from the unfolding of this life. Many of you have reached out to us and given us feedback on what you love and want. Thank you for enjoying our shop on etsy and all your feedback. We are happy to hear that so many of you enjoy browsing our store. We appreciate all your emails ❤️... We will continue to blog from time to time. The journey of finding one's core and the road to embracing that healing essence of peace remain an interesting topic to us. We are advocates of staying flexible to pivots in life yet taking small incremental steps. It's about not giving up and being true to our core. Peace ✌️

Love to All,